Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Garage Sale Update

Once again, I covered our pool table with boxes of fat quarters, set up two folding tables and put out additional odds and ends, acid-free papers, rubber stamps, etc. I advertised on Craigs List and was fortunate enough to get a few quilters to come, which made up the largest part of my sales.

All in all, it was a lovely day for a garage sale. The temperature started out in the mid-70s, and gradually worked up to the mid-80s by the time I shut the garage door at 1:00 p.m. sharp. Traffic was a little slow, as the 1st weekend of November is the busiest garage sale weekend of the year around year and our neighborhood was competing with at least a dozen others holding subdivision-wide sales.

My next-door neighbor traded me a box of paperback books in exchange for fabric, so I grabbed an Alex Cross murder mystery and enjoyed a leisurely stretch on the sofa in the garage during breaks between customers. I still have lots of fabric to get rid of, so it's back to Ebay, 20 fat quarters at a time.

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